When presented with a periodic stimulus, like a repeating light, sound or touch, brainwaves may sometimes synchronize with it, resulting in a large numbers of neurons firing at the same rate of the stimulus. This phenomenon is known as brainwave entrainment.
In this article, I will present to you all I’ve learned and researched about this phenomenon.
- Table of Contents
1. Types of Techniques
- Audio Brainwave Entrainment
- Binaural Beats: playing two different sinewave tones, with slightly different frequencies, separately into each ear through headphones.
- Monaural Beats: similar to binaural beats, but the two frequencies are played through a single speaker.
- Isochronic Tones: playing a tone that oscillates in amplitude or volume, creating a pulsing effect.
- Click Stimulation: short-duration sounds (clicks) are used instead of sinewave tones.
- Auditory Closed-Loop Stimulation: click stimulation that is synced with sleep’s slow oscillations resonant frequency.
- Auditory Open-Loop Stimulation: click stimulation that is not synced with sleep’s slow oscillations resonant frequency.
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment: using flashing lights
- Multimodal Entrainment
- Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment: combining flashing lights with any of the audio brainwave entrainment techniques.
- Breathing Entrainment: using nasal breathwork.
- Touch: using tactile stimulation.
- Social Interaction: during social interactions, the brainwaves of participants can synchronize, with one individual acting as an entrainment source (e.g. when mothers talk to their babies).
2. Does Brainwave Entrainment Work?
Let’s go straight to the most important point: does it actually work? Does brainwave entrainment work?
The simple answer is yes.
I know this from personal experience because I have observed entrainment in myself on both an objective and subjective level.
On an objective level, I did some EEG analysis on my brainwaves while listening to some entrainment tracks. What I found was brainwave activity that was not typically present during normal times. This is documented in my brainwave journal 📕
On a subjective level, I have experienced some bursts of creative ideas, among other things, while listening to those same tracks. This is worth what it’s worth but seemed convincing enough to me.
But since this is a complex topic, I will present some extra details to you, and let you decide for yourself.
3. Is Brainwave Entrainment Scientifically Proven?
While it is true that not all scientific studies have been able to replicate the effects of brainwave entrainment, it is nevertheless a fact that meta-analyses concluded that brainwave entrainment, in general, is an effective therapeutic tool.
Below you will find an extensive list of what science says about brainwave entrainment. This list may be extensive, but it still only covers the papers I have read. I have not read all the papers, so let’s keep that in mind. But I think there’s enough here to form a proper general picture.
- To keep things fair and unbiased, both positive findings and negative findings will be included, and marked with 🟢 and 🔴 respectively.
- Each bullet point can be traced back to the studies mentioned at the bottom of this article.
3.1 Effects on the EEG Data
- Binaural Beats
- Exposure to 6 Hz theta binaural beat with 250 Hz carrier tones induced theta activity in the entire cortex (except T4 sensor) within 10 minutes 🟢
- 7 Hz theta binaural beats increased delta power increase at the left temporal region in experienced meditators 🟢
- 15 Hz beta binaural beats increased gamma power in novice meditators 🟢
- 26 Hz beta binaural beat @ 250 Hz during 0.5 seconds, created an auditory steady-state response that occurred at the right parietal and left middle frontal regions 🟢
- 40 Hz gamma binaural beat @ 500 Hz carrier tone during 1 second resulted in right temporal region activation 🟢
- Binaural Beat sweep from 3 Hz to 60 Hz @ 500 Hz during 16 seconds found large 40 Hz gamma evoked responses 🟢
- 4 Hz – 6.66 Hz theta binaural beat auditory steady-state response suggested that the cerebral cortex can be synchronized with binaural beats 🟢
- Delta and Theta binaural beats induced oscillatory activity in EEG 🟢
- Some experiments failed to replicate the effects of theta binaural-beat stimulation on brain activity 🔴
- Binaural beats on the theta frequency range have also found negative results on the theta EEG band 🔴
- Minimal effects following exposure to 7 Hz theta binaural beats (133 Hz) for 30 minutes 🔴
- 10 Hz alpha binaural beats had no change in alpha activity during stimulation 🔴 but greater alpha activity was detected during the resting 1-minute intervals of the test 🟢
- 20 Hz beta binaural beats had no change in beta activity during stimulation 🔴 but resulted in the left temporal region expressing a higher amplitude of beta activity afterward 🟢
- Null effects following exposure to alpha binaural beats 🔴
- Studies using binaural beats within beta EEG bands have also found no increase in power on those bands 🔴
- At least 7 studies have shown the use of binaural beats is ineffective in achieving brainwave entrainment 🔴
- Binaural beats in the upper gamma range (above 57.3 Hz) do not seem to induce changes in corresponding EEG spectral power 🔴
- Auditory steady-state responses to Gamma binaural beats were not recorded 🔴
- Monaural Beats
- Monaural beat sweep from 3 Hz Delta to 60 Hz Gamma @ 500 Hz during 16 seconds found large 40 Hz evoked responses 🟢
- Monaural beats at 40 Hz Gamma produced noticeable oscillations in the EEG record, but with lower absolute amplitudes at lower dB levels, and the carrier wave frequency affected the amplitude of the oscillations. 🟢
- Theta Monaural beats (5 Hz) beats decreases theta brain wave activity 🟢
- Alpha Monaural beats (10 Hz) enhance alpha phase synchronization 🟢
- Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment
- Physiological response to the input stimulus grew largely with visual and auditory stimuli at the same frequency 🟢
- Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment has been shown to elicit changes in both alpha and beta frequency ranges 🟢
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment
- Alpha brainwaves can be amplified by light stimulation at the same frequency 🟢
- Auditory Closed-Loop Stimulation
- Produces auditory-evoked potentials with higher amplitudes than random click stimulation 🟢
- Causes suppression of Fast Spindles 🔴
- Once in Non-REM Sleep Stage 2, it produces a distinct increase in Slow Oscillations, with this effect coinciding with the beginning of Slow Wave Sleep 🟢
- Induced more regular trains of Slow Oscillations, compared to random stimulation and sham conditions 🟢
- Increase in Slow Oscillations spectral power 🟢 but not statistically different from random click stimulation 🔴
- Stimulates Slow Oscillations but not the duration of Slow Wave Sleep 🟢
3.2 Effects on Cognitive Performance
- Binaural Beats
- Gamma binaural beats affected cognitive flexibility 🟢
- Monaural Beats
- Gamma monaural beats increased regional Cerebral Blood Flow 🟢
- Theta, Alpha, and Gamma with 110 Hz and 220 Hz carrier waves showed no negative impact on vigilance, reaction times, working memory, or long-term memory ⚫
3.2.1 Vigilance
- Binaural Beats
- Theta binaural beats have resulted in no effects on vigilance task performance 🔴
- Beta binaural beats increased performance in tasks related to verbal span, working memory, executive functions, and vigilance 🟢
- Improved vigilance 🟢
- Beta binaural beats (16 Hz) may sustain or increase levels of vigilance; 🟢
- Short-duration exposure to 7 Hz and 16 Hz beta binaural beats did not have a significant effect on vigilance or cortical frequency entrainment in participants during a vigilance task, and there was no interaction with the Big Five personality traits 🔴
3.2.2 Psychomotor Performance
- Binaural Beats
- 16 Hz and 24 Hz beta binaural beats (vs 1.5 Hz theta and 4 Hz delta binaural beats), with pink noise background for 30 minutes improved performance in psychomotor vigilance task 🟢
3.2.3 Divergent Thinking
- Binaural Beats
- 10 Hz Alpha and 40 Hz gamma binaural beats + white noise had a positive effect on divergent thinking 🟢 but no effect on convergent thinking 🔴
- Low-rate blinkers benefited 🟢 while high-rate blinkers were impaired 🔴
- 10 Hz Alpha and 40 Hz gamma binaural beats + white noise had a positive effect on divergent thinking 🟢 but no effect on convergent thinking 🔴
3.2.4 Memory
- Binaural Beats
- Binaural beats Improved memory 🟢
- 7 Hz binaural beats (133 Hz + 140 Hz carriers) for a single 30-minute session resulted in a decrease in immediate verbal memory recall🔴
- Beta (15 Hz) binaural beats increased response accuracy in a visuospatial working memory task 🟢
- 5 Hz Theta multi-15-min-session binaural-beat stimulation resulted in a significant increase in the number of words recalled post-stimulation🟢 but 13 Hz Beta 🔴 didn’t and white noise didn’t 🔴
- Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones
- Heartfulness Meditation with the addition of binaural beats and isochronic tones had no effects on attention, episodic memory, visuospatial processing, verbal short-term memory ⚫
3.2.5 Attention and Focus
- Binaural Beats
- 10 Hz Alpha and 40 Hz Gamma binaural beats affected attention control 🟢
- 6 minutes of binaural beats enhanced focus control in young adults 🟢
3.3 Effects on Alzheimer’s Disease
- In mice:
- Boosting 40 hz gamma brainwaves for 1 hour daily for a week (using photic brainwave entrainment) reduced Alzheimer’s hallmarks (amyloid plaques, tau tangles) 🟢
- Longer-term visual stimulation prevented the loss of neural circuit connections and the death of cells themselves. Mice experienced less brain atrophy and showed improvements in learning and memory. 🟢
- 40 Hz sound reduced amyloid and tau and improved cognitive functions. 🟢
- In another study, the combination of exercise and 40-Hz Photic Entrainment was most effective in reducing Aβ and tau levels in mice (sound was not tested).
- Boosting 40 hz gamma brainwaves for 1 hour daily for a week (using photic brainwave entrainment) reduced Alzheimer’s hallmarks (amyloid plaques, tau tangles) 🟢
- In people:
- MIT Researchers showed that 1 hour daily 40 Hz Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment appears to help people with Alzheimer’s disease retain brain volume and cognitive ability. 🟢
- 1 hour daily sessions of 40 Hz Gamma Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment were used, against a control group, to improve sleep quality and nighttime activity in a group of people suffering from mild Alzheimer’s. 🟢
3.4 Effects on Mood, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Binaural Beats
- 16 Hz and 24 Hz beta binaural beats (vs 1.5 Hz theta and 4 Hz delta binaural beats) with a pink noise background for 30 minutes during the vigilance task resulted in a depression score 🟢
- Low-frequency binaural beat delta waves decreased total mood disturbance, confusion, and fatigue 🟢 but increased depression and vigor subscores 🔴
- higher frequencies decreased depression subscores 🟢
- 7 Hz Theta binaural beats resulted in a decrease in total mood disturbance 🟢 but an increase in the depression and vigor subscales🔴
- 6 Hz Theta binaural beat increased depression, confusion, bad temper, and fatigue 🔴
- 3 Hz Delta Binaural Beats (174 Hz, 177 Hz) showed a statistically significant improvement in Total Mood Score 🟢
- Consistent reporting on binaural-beat stimulation decreasing anxiety levels 🟢
- Delta waves binaural beats decreased tension and anxiety scores 🟢
- Theta binaural-beat: Parasympathetic activation and self-reported relaxation 🟢
- Delta binaural beats: Reduction of acute preoperative state anxiety 🟢
- A comprehensive review concludes a diminishing impact of binaural-beat stimulation on anxiety levels 🔴
- Binaural beats caused a significant reduction in stress, and anxiety 🟢
- Daily 30-minute sessions of Theta and Delta Binaural Beats showed a significant reduction in anxiety by participants self-reporting, with perceived anxiety dropping from 41.1% to 21.2% 🟢
- A 30-minute session of binaural beats has the potential to produce anxiolysis in many preprocedural hospital settings in which pharmacological sedation is undesirable 🟢
- Delta binaural beats resulted in a 26.3% decline in post-stimulation State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety for the binaural beat group 🟢
- Delta binaural beats (2.5 Hz and 4 Hz, daily for 60 days) resulted in a significant decrease in Trait Anxiety and improvement in Quality of Life scores 🟢
- 6 Hz Theta binaural beat decreased tension compared to the control group 🟢
- 10 Hz Alpha binaural beats + Nature Sounds resulted in a significant decline in post-stimulation State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety for the binaural beat group 🟢
- Theta / Delta binaural beats, 30 minutes a day resulted in a reduction in anxiety ratings and an increase in the number of times the patients chose to listen to the recordings 🟢
- 3 Hz Delta Binaural Beats (174 Hz, 177 Hz) showed a statistically significant improvement in Anxiety 🟢
- Monaural Beats
- Gamma reduced grief (unhappiness, sadness, and sorrow) significantly🟢, Alpha generated a positive trend 🟢, and Theta had no effect ⚫
- Alpha and Gamma with 110 Hz and 220 Hz carrier waves showed no negative impact on depression, hopelessness, positive mood, tiredness ⚫
- Theta, Alpha, and Gamma monaural beats with 110 Hz and 220 Hz carrier waves, for 5 minutes per battery block, for a total of 15 minutes, reduced State Anxiety against control groups 🟢
- Isochronic Tones
- 10 Hz Alpha isochronic tone, with a 466.16 Hz carrier, blended with music for 7 minutes achieved positive effects on participants 🟢
- Adding music was reported as being more comfortable, but had no stronger positive psychological effect.
- 10 Hz Alpha isochronic tone, with a 466.16 Hz carrier, blended with music for 7 minutes achieved positive effects on participants 🟢
- Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment
- 20 Hz Beta frequency Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment with Isochronic tones was used, against a control group, as an alternative to drug-dependent therapies for the treatment of ADD and SAD, reducing stress and anxiety 🟢
- Medicinal and nutritional treatments were maximized when used alongside AVE, significantly reducing fatigue and anxiety in women suffering from Fibromyalgia Syndrome 🟢
- A study using alpha (8 Hz – 12 Hz) audiovisual BWE showed, against a control group, a significant drop in their muscle tension and a rise of body temperature, associated with increased relaxation 🟢
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment
- Reductions in hysteria and increased relaxation when exposed to flickering lights 🟢
3.5 Effects on Hypnotic Susceptibility
- Binaural Beats
- Theta binaural beats for 20 minutes increased levels of hypnotic susceptibility 🟢
- Theta binaural beats failed to influence hypnotic susceptibility 🔴
- Theta binaural beats for 20 minutes increased levels of hypnotic susceptibility 🟢
3.6 Effects on Tinnitus
- Binaural Beats
- 10 Hz alpha binaural beats @ 50 Hz – 100 Hz carrier, resulted in a reduction in severity ratings of tinnitus 🟢
3.7 Effects on ADHD
- Binaural Beats
- Binaural beats did not reduce the symptoms of ADHD children 🔴
- Binaural beats with nature sounds did not have a significant impact on attention 🔴 but subjectively, subjects reported fewer problems associated with inattention during the study period 🟢
3.8 Effects on Sleep
- Binaural Beats
- Binaural Beats are thought to be able to improve sleep quality, amongst others via decreasing sleep onset 🟢
- Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones
- Binaural beats and isochronic tones improved the already known effects of Heartfulness Meditation, by improving sleep quality as well 🟢
- The brainwave entrainment techniques alone did not significantly enhance sleep quality 🔴
- Binaural beats and isochronic tones improved the already known effects of Heartfulness Meditation, by improving sleep quality as well 🟢
- Binaural and Monaural Beats
- 22.5 minutes of 8 Hz Alpha, then 6 Hz Theta, 2 Hz Delta, and 4 Hz Theta of binaural and monaural beats played for 90 minutes, then repeat, had a positive effect on sleep quality and awakening quality, improved Readiness to Daily Activities, Readiness to Strain, sleepiness, and motivational state 🟢 with no effect on perceived physical state, somatic complains, or psychological strain ⚫ in young elite soccer players
- 3 Hz Delta Binaural Beats (174 Hz, 177 Hz) improved sleep quality, sleep duration, and number of awakenings🟢
- Audiovisual Brainwave Entrainment
- 30 minutes of daily audiovisual stimulation for 30 days improved sleep quality, insomnia, and depression in a senior citizen population 🟢
- Auditory Closed-Loop Stimulation
- Increases Sleep Onset Latency compared to random click stimulation 🔴
- Delays the occurrence of Stable Non-REM Sleep (even more than random click stimulation) 🔴
- Improves memory functions, consolidation of memory, and post-sleep facilitation of encoding of new memories 🟢
- Intensifies the immune-supportive hormonal milieu present during Slow Wave Sleep 🟢
- Reduced blood cortisol 🟢
- Aldosterone levels were significantly increased 🟢
- An increase in prolactin levels 🔴 but statistically unclear ⚫
- Growth Hormone remained unchanged ⚫
- Might bear the potential to ameliorate conditions like depression and aging 🟢
- Might improve the cognitive functions of the elderly 🟢
- May become a way to treat diseases with disturbed sleep, and hormonal and immunological abnormalities such as insomnia and depression 🟢
- Auditory Open-Loop Stimulation
- Unlike Auditory Closed-Loop Stimulation, application during Non-REM sleep changes other sleep parameters and was noticed during 50% of the subjects in a study 🔴
- Auditory Open-Loop Stimulation track decreases Sleep Onset Latency compared to closed-loop stimulation 🟢
3.9 Effects on Anger
- Binaural Beats
- 3 Hz Delta Binaural Beats (174 Hz, 177 Hz) showed a statistically significant improvement in Anger 🟢
- Monaural Beats
- Theta, Alpha, and Gamma with 110 Hz and 220 Hz carrier waves showed no negative impact on anger ⚫
3.10 Effects on Pain
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment
- One Randomized controlled trial reported significantly reduced pain among patients who had photic stimulation during surgery. 🟢
- In two studies, photic stimulation was effective for treating muscle pain. 🟢
3.11 Effects on Migraines and Headaches
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment
- In one study, photic stimulation was found ineffective for migraine or sinusitis. 🔴
- In two studies, photic stimulation was effective for treating or preventing migraine. 🟢
3.12 Effects on Other Aspects
- Binaural Beats
- Binaural beats helped with traumatic brain injury 🟢
- Delta binaural beats (2.5 Hz and 4 Hz, daily for 60 days) resulted in a decrease in insulin-like growth factor 🟢
- Photic Brainwave Entrainment
- Photic stimulation was associated with significant relief of premenstrual syndrome symptoms 🟢
4. Proposed Limitations of the Studies
For the studies that have failed to demonstrate brainwave entrainment on the brain, or the subjective minds of the subjects, some explanations have been proposed as the possible causes, such as problems with the:
- Experimental protocols.
- Stimulus duration.
- Beat frequencies.
- My comment: this is why I like to test the entrainment tracks I create, such as the NEX bundle.
- Attention to stimuli.
- My comment: I remember reading in one of the studies that failed, that subjects were listening to binaural beats while watching a muted nature DVD. Binaural beats require some level of attention to work properly. Learning that a study was conducted where subjects were watching a nature DVD instead of focusing on the binaural beats made me put into question the ability of researchers to devise nuanced testing.
- One study found that gamma response is larger over frontal and central areas when participants were told to pay attention to tone stimuli.
- In one study, attention-dependent modulation of auditory steady-state response patterns was observed for 20 Hz Beta stimulation.
- Individual differences.
5. Brainwave Entrainment Dangers
People may wonder if brainwave entrainment technologies are dangerous for some reason. As of now, there have been no reported major dangers in scientific studies. Usually, the worst thing that can happen is that the entrainment track does nothing to you.
However, if you read the previous sections, you know that some minor negative aspects can occur:
- Increased Depression, Anxiety, and Tension: Certain frequencies, such as 6 Hz Theta and low-frequency delta waves, have been associated with increased depression scores or subscores in some studies, and also confusion, bad temper, and fatigue.
- Sleep Quality: Although many studies suggest that brainwave entrainment can improve sleep quality, there are also findings indicating increased sleep onset latency and delays in the occurrence of stable Non-REM sleep with certain types of stimulation.
- Attention and Cognitive Effects: Binaural beats have been observed to decrease verbal memory recall in one study.
We should keep in mind that it’s unlikely that there is something wrong with specific frequencies like 6 Hz and such. Instead, it’s likely we’re dealing with a complex situation with lots of variables which, in one specific case, have affected negatively someone. If circumstances had been slightly different, maybe that same frequency could’ve been beneficial instead. We know this has to be the case, because 6 Hz (to use as an example) is not consistently known to cause increased negative emotions in listeners.
Other dangers can be avoided by using common sense, such as:
- If you are listening to audio entrainment tracks, don’t listen the it loud, otherwise, you can damage your hearing. Entrainment tracks don’t require lots of volume to affect your brain waves, this is a known fact (60 dB SPL is enough).
- If you suffer from epilepsy, avoid photic and audiovisual entrainment tracks, as they contain flashing lights.
- If you find listening to monaural beats or isochronic tones annoying or boring, try doing it mixed with music instead (binaural beats may lose some effectiveness, since it’d be harder to focus on the beat itself).
One last possible danger that may arise from brainwave entrainment is focusing on brain wave ranges that you personally don’t need to entrain, for instance, if you are an anxious person, don’t focus on high-beta entrainment.
6. Get Started with Brainwave Entrainment
If you want to listen to some brainwave entrainment tracks, you are in the right place, because I have some options to get you started.
You can either explore the SonoFields YouTube channel, or the Product page. But let me show you:
Benefits of Delta Brainwave Entrainment
As we’ve seen in previous sections, Delta brainwave entrainment has been shown to
- Decrease mood disturbance, anxiety, tension, confusion fatigue, and anger.
- Improve sleep quality, duration of sleep, and number of awakenings.
Benefits of Theta Brainwave Entrainment
As we’ve seen in previous sections, Theta brainwave entrainment has been shown to
- Reduce anxiety
- Significantly increase the number of words recalled post-stimulation
- Help activate the parasympathetic nervous system
- Increase phase synchronization at temporo-lateral synchronization
- Openness and Conscientiousness personality traits may be more susceptible to entrainment in the Theta frequency ranges.
Benefits of Alpha Brainwave Entrainment
As we’ve seen in previous sections, Alpha brainwave entrainment has been shown to
- Induce an enhancement of heart rate variability in subjects with that reduced metric.
- Increase creativity (divergent thinking).
- Improve attention.
- Reduce anxiety
- Reduce the severity of tinnitus
Benefits of Beta Brainwave Entrainment
As we’ve seen in previous sections, Beta brainwave entrainment has been shown to
- Increase performance in tasks related to verbal span, working memory, executive functions, and vigilance
- Improved performance in psychomotor vigilance tasks
- Increased response accuracies in visuospatial working memory tasks
- Result in a decrease in negative mood.
- Openness and Conscientiousness personality traits may be more susceptible to entrainment in the Beta frequency ranges.
Benefits of Gamma Brainwave Entrainment
As we’ve seen in previous sections, Gamma brainwave entrainment has been shown to
- Improve Alzheimer’s condition:
- Reduce anxiety.
- Increase in cerebral blood flow.
- Increase creativity (divergent thinking).
- Increase attention control.
- Improve cognitive flexibility.
By now, I will confidently state that brainwave entrainment is the real deal, and I hope this extensive article convinced you of that. To get started, subscribe to my YouTube channel or visit the Bandcamp page. See you later!
Stay Synced!
The purpose of SonoFields is to explore the secrets of Frequency (the Sinewave). Join the newsletter and I’ll send you some emails about:
▪ The Science: What science has been saying about brain waves and brainwave entrainment, specific frequencies like 432 Hz and 0.1 Hz, and more.
▪ The Esoteric: My ideas on geometrical and mathematical spirituality.
▪ The Practical: How to transform these ideas into practical tools.
Everything mentioned in this article can be traced back to the following scientific papers.
- A comparison of alpha brainwave entrainment, with and without musical accompaniment (2014)
- A comparison of auditory evoked potentials to acoustic beats and to binaural beats (2010)
- A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of brainwave entrainment (2008)
- A high-density EEG investigation into steady state binaural beat stimulation (2012)
- A quantitative electroencephalographic study of meditation and binaural beat entrainment (2009)
- Alpha-rhythm stimulation using brain entrainment enhances heart rate variability in subjects with reduced HRV (2013)
- Auditory beat stimulation and its effects on cognition and mood states (2015)
- Auditory Closed-Loop Stimulation of EEG Slow Oscillations Strengthens Sleep and Signs of its Immune-Supportive Function (2017)
- Binaural auditory beats affect vigilance performance and mood (1998)
- Binaural Beat A Failure to Enhance EEG Power and Emotional Arousal (2017)
- Binaural Beat Induced Theta EEG Activity and Hypnotic Susceptibility – Contradictory Results and Technical Considerations (2011)
- Binaural Beat Technology in Humans – A Pilot Study to Assess Neuropsychologic, Physiologic, and Electroencephalographic Effects (2007)
- Binaural-Beat Induced Theta EEG Activity and Hypnotic Susceptibility (2000)
- Brain Responses to a 6-Hz Binaural Beat Effects on General Theta Rhythm and Frontal Midline Theta Activity (2017)
- Brainwave entrainment for better sleep and post-sleep state of young elite soccer players (2014)
- Cortical steady-state responses to central and peripheral auditory beats (2008)
- Gamma Frequency Sensory Stimulation in Probable Mild Alzheimer’s Dementia Patients: Results of a Preliminary Clinical Trial (2021)
- Human auditory steady state responses to binaural and monaural beats (2004)
- Human cortical responses to slow and fast binaural beats reveal multiple mechanisms of binaural hearing (2014)
- Impact of auditory stimulation at a frequency of 5 Hz in verbal memory (2008)
- Induction of Slow Oscillations by Rhythmic Acoustic Stimulation (2013)
- Learning at your brain’s rhythm – individualized entrainment boosts learning for perceptual decisions (2023)
- Mismatch negativity to acoustical illusion of beat – how and where the change detection takes place (2014)
- Music Meditation in the Digital Age How Brainwave Entrainment in Music Could Help Improve Sleep Quality (2015)
- Neuro-magnetic responses to binaural beat in human cerebral cortex (2005)
- Original Sound Compositions Reduce Anxiety In Emergency Department Patients – A Randomised Controlled Trial (2011)
- Pilot feasibility study of binaural auditory beats for reducing symptoms of inattention in children and adolescents with attention-deficit & hyperactivity disorder (2010)
- Physical exercise during exposure to 40-Hz light flicker improves cognitive functions in the 3xTg mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (2020)
- Sensory-Evoked 40-Hz Gamma Oscillation Improves Sleep and Daily Living Activities in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients (2021)
- The effect of auditory stimulation using delta binaural beat for a better sleep and post-sleep mood – A pilot study (2022)
- The impact of binaural beats on creativity (2013)
- The Impact of Monaural Beat Stimulation on Anxiety and Cognition (2017)
- Tinntrain: A multifactorial treatment for tinnitus using binaural beats (2010)
- Tracking EEG changes in response to alpha and beta binaural beats (2012)
- Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety – a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes (2001)
- Using Heartfulness Meditation and Brainwave Entrainment to Improve Teenage Mental Wellbeing (2021)
Sound Engineering and Research @ SonoFields